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Accessories We Offer

Side Steps

We have the best sidestep options from all the top manufacturers: AMP Research power steps, N-Fab, Rockslide Engineering, Westin, and more. If you want a more comfortable or stylish way to enter/exit your truck or Jeep, come by and let us show you what's available for your specific vehicle.

Towing & Air Bag Systems

We have a number of solutions for two induced squats. We are an authorized dealer and installer for Air-Lift air springs and compressors. We also have other options available, from Timbren springs to add-a-leaf options, depending on your specific needs and budget.

Train Horns

We all know how Jacksonville drivers are...for your own safety, we can add a train horn set-up to your rig so the next time you need to honk, you will be heard! We have options starting with the basic Kleinn 2-horn system all the way up to Hornblasters Nathan AirChimes super train horns.

Bumpers, Brush Guards, and Bull-Bars

If you are looking to upgrade your bumper or add a bull-bar, we are a dealer for Fab Fours, Ranch Hand, Road Armor, Addictive Desert Designs, Westin, DV8, Rough Country, and more.

Cold-Air Intake

S&B cold air intakes are engineered to minimize air restriction and increase airflow far better than your stock system. Our intake kits come with a fully enclosed one-piece airbox that protects the air filter from dirt and keeps out unwanted engine heat. The signature clear lid provides a great look and includes a rubber lid seal to keep out more of that power-robbing engine heat.

Exhaust Systems

Are you looking to get a little more growl out of your Truck? We have all the latest cat-back exhaust systems available from manufacturers like MBRP, Magnaflow, Flowmaster, and Borla. The exhausts we install work with your truck's systems and will not result in check engine codes or power loss.

Fender Flares

Bushwacker Pocket Style Fender Flares are a Bushwacker original and an off-road icon with their recessed stainless steel bolts and massive presence. And they’re custom-designed to complement oversized tires while providing premium tire protection.

Stop by Our Jacksonville Shop Today for Your Ideal Custom Truck Repairs